Tuesday, 17 April 2007

shopautdotoca seocontest fun and games

Fun and shopautodotca search engine optimization contest Games

This blog update is long over due for a post as I have been busy with other priorities. My Shopautodotca seocontest entry still seems to be hanging in the rankings. #4 Google #14 yahoo # 17MSN. It is quite amazing how many inbound links the leaders seem to have gotten so fast , my entry is going to need your linking support to move up from here so I would appreciate it if you could kindly donate inbound links from your blog or website to

However, I know the repetitiveness of the term Shopautodotca search engine optimization contest gets very boring at times so I have added a
shopautodotca search engine optimiztion Game Just for Fun

I hope you enjoy it and if it gets enough traffic I will add some more.
for the latest news visit my shopautodotca seocontest editorials

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