Thursday 10 May 2007

Shopautodotca Search Engine Optimization Secrets Tips Revealed

Shopautodotca Seocontest SEO Secrets revealed.....

Drum roll please .....

Ok Black Hatters You can relax....

But it got your attention did'nt it !....

The only Shopautodotca seocontest seo secrets I will be revealing are some of my own. I have not done much on the shopautodotca seocontest site of late as I have been busy launching my own SEO training Blog as part of my regular 9-5 SEO Venture.

The information I will be providing will be basic common sense white hat seo advice and techniques for clients, potential clients and the general public. I'm likely too slow of a blogger to get beyond the basic stuff before the contest ends but you may want to check it out, at the very least your likely to find some useful SEO Tools on the site itself.

Maybe some of the seo contestants in the shopautodotca seocontest may be kind enough to throw it a few blog links, or favorite it or what ever else gives it that Technorati Authority and help me get some more SEO clients so I can feed my family:)

The Shopautodotca SEOcontest is High Maintainence

Wow I leave my shopautodotca seocontest entry alone for a while and it drops like a rock. This seocontest is getting way too time consuming and with only a month to go the folks are getting restless. I just can't figure out where they find the time.

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